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Oct 14, 2021
Step One: Getting to know your Soomi Store

Congratulations on getting started with your Soomi store, now it's time to work on getting your products or services live and ready to sell. In our experience, the fastest way to create your store is to start by focusing on the layout and organization of your products first. 

This gives a foundation to your store to visually see future customisations and builds a framework for you to start to load your products and sell. 

Top Tip – If you have a selection of products our advice is to focus on 5-10 products first. Build a small range of your store first before trying to build everything. If you get 5-10 products and a website ready you can sell those products, whilst you add more products. This also has the additional benefit of giving you some social media content, to post new releases on your store and encourage people to shop. 

Below we are going to focus on the Product section of your store, to help you to begin to structure the shop. And understand the customisations available.

Features – This is a powerful section of Soomi, enabling you to create specifics or extra categories of your products. You fill in more information, highlight key selling features and even use this information to create custom site filters later to make it easy for shoppers to find exactly what they are looking for. 


Use the feature section to create highlights on a product similar to the design above. In this example of a real estate business, multiple features have been added to highlight key selling features of a product such as bathrooms, bedrooms, garage, floor size. 

Check out more of this demo store on: - *Demo Site only*

Categories – This is how we make our site and products easy for our customers to shop. This can different sections of your product range, you can use icons and images to better display your categories. You can create subcategories within products. 


In the examples below we show the same demo site categorising the properties for sale via price range and the online fitness store using fitness goal as a category to make it easy for customers to find what they want. 

Options / Variations / Combinations – This is how we determine products that might have more than one variable you would like the customer to choose before purchase. For example, like a clothing store, you might have T-shirt style, colour, size all as variables that could change the specific version of that product you have sold. 


The core difference between the 3 is; Options can have multiple variables (more than one option to choose); Variations can only have one. If you have lots of variables you may want to consider building this inside the product as a combination. 


Please note: The name of your options will be displayed to customers. The fitness store is an example of options using a flavor of the product as the variable customers can choose before ordering. 

Questions & Reviews – Turn Questions ON to manage customers' ability to post questions easily on a product. Is it a question you get asked all the time? Make your reply and the question publically available on your product to help sell your product in the future. 


Please Note: Questions will not publish unless you approve them to be publically available.  Remember to regularly check your questions section in products if you use this feature. 


When you turn reviews on Soomi will help you display your 1-5 star rating of products to future customers. With reviews ON Soomi will automatically email your customers after the purchase with the opportunity for them to review your product. They will be asked to leave their rating and a comment that we can display to future shoppers. 


Please Note: Reviews will not publish unless you approve them to be publically available.  Remember to regularly check your reviews section in products if you use this feature.

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